Title: Emmy & Oliver
Author: Robin Benway
Expected publication: June 23rd 2015 by HarperTeen
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary, drama
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According to my goodreads account, I have been waiting for this novel for almost two years. Two years of anticipation that built up a lot of expectations. And to be totally honest, this novel did not disappoint.
Emmy & Oliver is about two childhood friends reunited ten years after Oliver was kidnapped by his father. If that isn't enough to catch your attention I don't know what you're doing reading this. It was an emotional roller coaster, there's no other way to describe it.
Robin did an amazing job at capturing what each of the characters went through because of this horrible experience. Which made me connect with everyone in the book and really see the reasoning behind their actions. I absolutely loved that this book doesn't tell you how to feel but instead questions your feelings. It reminds you that the world is not black or white but shades of gray.
Despite you would expect this book to be about Oliver, he is the one who was kidnapped after all, it is so much about Emmy too. Everything she went through and how that shaped who she is now. I loved Emmy, she to me was the strongest character. Apart from Maureen, Oliver's mom, who is reminiscent of Michelle Pfeiffer in The Deep End of the Ocean (this film is a jewel, you should see it ASAP) just as heartbreaking and fierce at the same time.
And I just don't think it is appropriate to continue trying to explain this book because it won't do it justice. Every YA Contemporary fan should experience this one for themselves.