My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I was a ren faire virgin before this book. I had heard of them of course, who hasn't?, but I never considered them enough to hold an interest to me but this book looked so charming that I just had to dig in.
And cute this was *yoda voice*.
Emily Parker is freshly dumped and homeless, so she travels to Smalltown, Maryland to help her sister and niece get themselves together after a horrible car crash. There she finds herself signed up to volunteer at a local renaissance faire being a taver wench.
Everything goes wrong from the start since the one in charge is no other than English teacher, Simon Graham--who is super serious and uptight, thanks to a family tragedy but we don't know that right away.
This ensures that Simon and Emily start off of the wrong foot and snowball into a complicated mess. But you know what they say, love is not that far from hate, right?
I liked both Emily and Simon in their own personas. But were well developed and I totally got were they were coming from. I also liked the idea of a romance between them, but I somehow felt the actual development of a relationship somehow lacking. I don't know, I feel they so seldom interacted to really make me feel their mutual attraction. I mean there was attraction, and there was romance, it just felt to me like it was rushed and a little lacking.
There is plenty of romantic gestures *after* they decide they are in love with each other. And they were really cute and had me smiling for real. So I might be the only one who didn't feel the connection with Emily and Simon as a couple. So try for yourself! :)
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