Author. Chelsea Sedoti
Release Date. January 3rd 2017 by Sourcebooks
Goodreads / Amazon
Who would have thought I’d be
reading a book about a girl suspecting another girl’s disappearance was because
she turned into a werewolf?
I certainly didn’t expect it.
Neither I think I knew what this book was about when I opened it. I wonder if
that had changed things. Probably.
Because I am not a fan of fantasy.
Or a fan of werewolves for the matter.
And yet.
Yet I pretty much read the whole
book in two sittings. Because even though strange things started rolling—like Hawthorn,
the narrator, convincing herself Lizzie Lovett a local girl who disappeared,
turned into a werewolf—I not only chose to keep reading, I was in fact like..
Yes, really. And the strange things
keep on piling up. Like Hawthorn somehow starting to live Lizzie’s life, getting
her job and maybe even her boyfriend all while trying to solve a mystery that it seemed only she cared about.
I was appalled, worried, concerned
for her sanity, but I was also very compelled. The story is weird and magical
in a sense. Very different from what I am used to in Contemporary YA. And I
loved it. I really truly did, it had that marvellous combination of an outcast opening her eyes to see the world around her for the first time, and experiencing heartbreak and love and fun and pain in the process. Pretty much what I seek in any contemp I read.
If you are like that I suggest you give this book a chance too. It might surprised you in an awesome way like it did with me.
PS. I can never get over how cute Connor's nickname for Hawthorn is. Thorny. Thorny, Thorny, Thorny. Ow, my heart.