My rating: 4 of 5 stars
How come no one told me the hero in this is basically living my Deadliest Catch dreams? *insert nerd noises of me watching Discovery Channel and screaming at the guys that a wave is coming* Honestly, if I had known that about this book it would have bumped up in my TBR a long ago. As it is, I had a tough time picking it up only because I don't have the most stellar relationship with Tessa Bailey but damn if I was going to skip this one after all the hype.
I am glad I didn't skip it because I thoroughly and utterly enjoyed it. It's a story about this completely shameless, but entirely endearing Heiress named Piper Bellinger (which c'mon, I mean I grew up pumping up Paris Hilton since her early days, I am never one to put down this so called "airheads") and this tough-as-nails boat Captain, king crab catcher extraordinaire Brendan Taggart. This is already appealing enough, isn't it?
But wait until you dive in and find that it's hilarious and full of growth and a hero/heroine combo that actually TRY TO BE UNDERSTANDING AND MATURE and I just find that so APPEALING. It was romantic as hell to watch both Piper and Brendan be mature about what the other might be going through without jumping into conclusions and also like, trying to put themselves in each others shoes: THAT'S WHAT I LIKE, AUTHORS; GIMME MORE PLEASE, THANKS.
So basically, me and Tessa Bailey are restored now. I can see our relationship growing steady in the near future. I can't wait for the companion novel to this one actually.
*Note about the sex--> goodness gracious, there is a lot of sex in this, so be prepared (to either read it, or read it through your fingers covering your face, or skip it, whatever is your thing :)
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