My rating: 1 of 5 stars
I was maybe half way convinced while reading this, still thought Caleb was a pretty shitty human being for saying service people shouldn’t get a “thank you” because they are doing their jobs. So I really had my reservations about this man, but then the author had to go and make *that* the conflict.
(*****spoiler alert******** that Caleb’s ex girlfriend had an abortion behind his back. Like whaaaaaat. Like Samantha Young knows how hard it has been to legalize a woman’s right to choose and then she goes and makes the woman a “villain” for “killing his baby”. It was unnecessary and backwards and gross. Like ugh. I can’t even.)
Just no. And don’t even get me thinking about the amount of people that have read this book and don’t find that whole plot bothersome.
Also, Ava seemed so much better than that! Like I remember how much it used to bother her at the beginning of the book that Caleb was a huge jerk but by the end she was like “Oh he is hurt on the inside that’s why he is mean.”
Get out of here.
*throws kindle away* *stomps away angrily at the amount of time I wasted reading this*
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