My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When In Rome
Amelia Rose is a famous popstar who has had it with her never-ending pleasing personality and just wants a break, in the form of a trip to Rome. But since she can’t leave the country (big tour coming! Tickets available) she goes to Rome, Kentucky instead.
Rome, Kentucky is where Noah Walker is at. You ask who this person is? Well, then, he is this grumpy young man who is emotionally unavailable since he got his heartbroken so now spends his days manning the family Pie Shop and keeping a careful eye on his sisters and grandma.
This is a romance, guys. And romance we get. It’s a quick fall, but an enjoyable one nonetheless. I mean yeah the way everything unfolds to get Amelia and Noah together is highly unrealistic and sometimes borderline dumb but I ate it up because who wants reality anyway? Give me a hard and fast falling in love hallmark channel style any day over the reality in cnn.
Anyway, I truly can say that I had a wonderful time reading this and can’t wait to dig into the stories of Noah’s sisters (which I am sure are coming, there were many hints) so if you need me I’ll be lining up over here waiting.
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