Author: Kim Askew and Amy Helmes
Expected publication: November 15th 2016 by Doublet Press
I was very excited to jump into Puck, the new story on Amy and Kim Shakespeare retellings aka Twisted Lit series. I'm glad to inform that I wasn't disappointed.
Puck as you'd expect, is a really good heroine. She's had a tough life, and it has made her maybe a bit too cynical. But she was still likable, and it might have to do with her awesome sense of humor.
The story revolves around a group of misfits thrown into the wild mountains of Utah for a rehabilitation camp of sorts. As you could imagine, Puck was very wary of everyone, maybe I was a little bit too, but it took less than a quarter of the story for me to see so many good qualities in the group that I ended up loving every single one of those guys.
There is a twist in there that I don't think I saw coming even though in retrospective I think I should have. But that's the thing about this retellings, they are much than that you forget you already are supposed to know the story.
The only thing that semi-bothered me about it was that Puck's relationship with Paula, her foster mom, wasn't as explored as I would have liked. It would have been great to glimpse a little bit more about their relationship and how it grew to the state it is in now. Because it is quite refreshing (and hopeful) to meet a good foster mom.
But all in all I really enjoyed the book. The parts where Puck was in the camp were all very entertaining and sometimes laugh out loud funny. Puck was a satisfying read after the long wait. :)