______________________________Title: The Leaving Season Author: Cat JordanExpected publication: March 1st 2016 by HarperTeenGoodreads Amazon
The Leaving Season is a coming of age story. I read a lot of those so I can be very picky about them, but I have to say I loved this one. The first third of it, we are presented with the golden couple, Middie and Nate. Middie is completely submerged in her love for Nate, everything about her life revolves around Nate, who she thinks is perfect. And who knows, he might actually be, but I'm sick of girls defining who they are because of the guy they are with. So I didn't care very much about this part.
Then on the second third, when tragedy strikes, Middie is forced to deal with a life without Nate. I'm not glad something happened to him, but I couldn't help but be happy that Middie was about to embark on a life-changing journey. She somehow manages to do so with the help of Lee, Nate's slacker best friend. This was my favorite part of the novel because I finally got to see who Meredith (Middie) was, and I liked her. I loved her. She was in control of her life for once and I rejoiced in watching her honestly grow in giant leaps. I also really liked Lee, not only because he was funny and understanding, but because he played such an important job in showing Meredith that she didn't need anyone to define her.
But then of course we have to have conflict and it comes in the last third. And I was crushed. Meredith took twenty steps backward and returned to the blind person she was. I was so sad to see her turn into that girl again, I knew she had to realize everything she did was wrong and it was annoying that it took so long for her to come to senses.
But she finally did.
So I think after all it was a great read. I can't say I didn't enjoy it because it had parts that were absolutely brilliant, if only a bit unrealistic, but it's clear Jordan can tell a story, and a good one at that. I was very emotionally attached to this novel and to me that's a win itself. Definitely recommended.