Author: Sarah Alderson
Published February 12th 2015 by Simon & Schuster
Goodreads . Amazon
didn’t I know about this book sooner? Was my first thought upon
finishing Conspiracy Girl by Sarah Alderson. It was that amazing.
Honestly it was action-packed and
the pace was neck-breaking. It even starts right away with a break in, one that
happens to be in the bunker-style apartment of Nic, a girl who was the lone
survivor of a horrific crime where her mother and stepsister were murdered. And
not even in the next chapter we are introduced to the conflict. Now Nic has to
trust Finn—the same young computer genius that is responsible her mother’s
murderers walked free—to help her figure out who is following her and what do
they want. What this ensures is an awkward, uncomfortable but very, very
interesting story development.
The mystery/thriller aspect of this
book is also awesome, though I did figure out what was happening, in no way did
it deter me from reading along excitedly. Mostly because the main characters,
Nic and Finn were so likable.
I loved Nic’s confidence and her
strong willed nature. She had a horrible family tragedy but she still worked to
move on one step at the time. And her relationship with her dog Goz was the cutest.
And then Finn was dreamy too. He is
not only a genius but a good-hearted one that wants to make the world better
and safer. His relationship with his grandma and his nieces was also so
charming and adorable.
What I loved the most about this book was that it is so young-adult feel, but yet is not. What I mean is that it has the essence of the awesomeness that is the YA genre even though the ages of the characters don't match people's assumption of YA, and not to mention there is not a high school in sight. *Claps*
I would recommend the book to
everyone honestly, but especially to those who love thrillers, well-crafted and
lovable characters, and fast-paced stories. This one is a must re-read for