Author: Elizabeth Scott
Published January 28th 2014 by Harlequin Teen
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Contemporary Young Adult Fiction
Heartbeat was my first experience with a book by Elizabeth Scott. I am kind of ashamed of myself for never trying out anything by her because I absolutely loved her newest story Heartbeat.
I was super excited to read this
book because I’ve never read something quite like this before. I mean you hear
of “issue” books but it’s not often that said issue is having to deal with an
unborn baby alive inside of your brain-dead mother’s uterus. I know, I know,
you can say whatever you think it’s right and we can definitely argue about our
opinions but when you have a relationship like the one Emma and her mother had,
the decision is way more difficult than you would think.
I got Emma, I really did. I
don’t think there’s another human being I love more than my mother, and what
happens to Emma is so terrible I understood perfectly was she was so angry and
confused and I couldn’t judge her or blame her. I just let her be herself.
However, everything was so
ridiculously heartbreaking that I didn’t know who to feel most sorry for; Emma
with her dead mother or Dan with the decision to save the baby at all costs,
and of course, Caleb and the tragic story of his sister and his own
relationship (or lack thereof) with his parents.
The important thing though, is
that no matter how depressing a life can get, this book talks about finding
hope in the unexpected, and seeking solace in the arms of the ones that were
always there too. And Scott did a marvelous job in making me believe that these
people really did get that, and not only said things to wrap up the book
nicely. Very moving story that made me reconsider the side I thought I stood on
my whole life.